SOPHOS FORUM je izjemna priložnost za spoznavanje najnovejših dosežkov iz področja varovanja informacijskih sistemov enega vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev SOPHOS Ltd. iz Velike Britanije. Predavali bodo tuji in domači strokovnjaki.
Seminar bo potekal 5. aprila v hotelu Four points by Sheraton Mons, Ljubljana.
Poseben gost, Chester Wisniewski, je ugleden strokovnjak in eden vodilnih Sophos predavateljev na svetovnih konferencah. V dveh predavanjih bo predstavil naraščajoč trend novih izsiljevalskih (ransomware) virusov s kriptiranjem vaših podatkov. Pojasnil nam bo, zakaj obstoječa orodja za obrambo ne zadoščajo več in kako se moramo zaščititi v bodoče.
9.00 - 9.30
9.30 - 9.35
Darjan Marčič, direktor Sophos d.o.o. Slovenija
Pozdravni nagovor
9.35 - 10.30
Chester Wisniewski, Sophos Canada
The Rising Tide of Ransomware – how criminals abuse encryption to work against us and what we can do to protect ourselves.
Criminals have experimented with holding PCs for ransom using malware for more than 25 years, yet in the past year there has been an explosion of encrypting ransomware spreading around the globe at a record pace. This talk will explain how we got to where we are, why the criminals have adopted these tactics and what we can do to shore up our defences against these attacks.
10.30 - 10.50
odmor (kava, sok, pecivo)
10.50 - 11.30
Joanna Wziatek Ladosz, Sophos Ltd. UK
Welcome to the next generation IT solutions with Sophos Synchronized Security – HEARTBEAT.
The Sophos Security Heartbeat connects the Next-Generation Sophos Endpoint Clients to the Sophos Network Security Gateways, creating a secure channel for real-time information sharing between product, which allows the Sophos endpoint and network security solutions to continuously share meaningful information about suspicious and confirmed bad behavior across the entire network
11.30 - 11.40
Chester Wisniewski Sophos Canada
The ins and outs of stopping unwanted software.
News headlines and our own experiences seem to suggest we are losing the battle against cybercrime and securing our organizations and personal information. In this presentation we will look at what tactics are being used by the criminals, why our current defenses are failing us and what we can do as a community to adopt new strategies, get organized to better protect our digital assets and turn the tide in our favor.
13.55 - 14.55
Rok Jerman in Miha Kralj, Sophos d.o.o. Slovenija
Sophos Roadmap – kakšni bodo Sophos produkti v prihodnosti?
Next Generation Endpoint tehnologija, Sophos Sandstorm, SurfRight HitmanPro, Novi Sophos Mobile Control, Novi Sophos UTM-XG.
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